Most people know that they should visit the dentist at least twice per year for regular cleaning and examinations. These regular visits help keep your teeth clean while also preventing and treating oral health problems. However, there are times that you have to visit the dentist outside of the scheduled regular visits. This blog will go over 6 signs that you need to see a dentist.

1. Tooth Pain or Swelling

If you’re experiencing continuous toothaches, then it’s time you visit your dentist, as it could be an indication of a deeper problem that can get worse if left untreated. Pain is your body’s way of letting you know that something is wrong. Ignoring it and hoping that it’ll go away isn’t the best idea. If you have swelling in your cheeks or around an area that hurts, this might be the initiation of an infection in the root. This requires professional attention by your dentist. You’ll most likely be prescribed an antibiotic and then followed up with a full treatment of the infected and dying root.

2. Swollen, Sore, or Inflamed Gums

If you have swollen, sore, or inflamed gums, these are signs that you have gum disease. This is a sign that you need to visit your dentist. Mild forms of gum disease are often treatable and reversible with better oral hygiene at home and regular dental visits. However, severe gum disease would require extra treatment. Infection, plaque, and bacteria can build below the gumline. If that happens, you’ll need professional deep cleaning and more frequent appointments to restore the health of your gums.

6 Signs You Need to See a Dentist

3. Injury to Your Mouth

If you’ve experienced any type of injury to your mouth, then it’s an obvious sign that you need to see your dentist right away. Whether it feels like a dental emergency or not, trauma to the teeth often causes damage to the root. It’s essential that your dentist sees you so that they can properly monitor the injured area.

4. White Spots on Your Teeth or Gums

If you notice white spots on your teeth, then you’ll have to immediately check with your dentist. White spots are one of the first signs of decay. White spots on your gums are a clear sign of infection. Patients with infections in the root of their tooth may not be experiencing pain, however they’ll notice a “pimple” on their gums. Do not scrape the area, instead seek immediate dental attention.

5. Sensitivity to Hot or Cold

Teeth sensitivity to hot and cold foods or beverages happens to everyone. Sensitivity toothpaste usually solves the issue. However, if you’re experiencing extreme sensitivity to hot and cold (especially if it’s unusual to you), this could be indicative of a deeper issue. Schedule a visit if you’re experiencing this type of sensitivity.

6. Dry Mouth

Patients who take a number of antibiotics, medication or are experiencing other health issues may experience dry mouth as a side effect. While it seems that it’s not such a grave issue, it can be quite miserable for those that have to experience it chronically. Besides, dry mouth can lead to other oral health issues such as gum disease. Your dentist may be able to recommend treatment or prescribe you special mouthwashes that help mitigate dry mouth.

6 Signs You Need to See a Dentist

There are many reasons to visit your dentist outside of your regular check-up. If you feel that something is “off” about your oral health, it’s always a good idea to check up with your dentist. We hope this blog helped you better understand what signs indicate that you need to see a dentist. At Carmichael Dentistry, we care about your oral health and your overall well-being. We’ll be more than happy to help you achieve your best, healthiest smile. For all of your dental needs, please call us at (858) 484-2560 or visit our website to book an appointment.