Aging And Dental Health

Aging and Dental Health

Are you getting older and thinking more about your dental health? Taking care of your teeth and overall dental health is extremely important to your general health as you age. At Carmichael Dentistry, we recognize that our patients are unique and deserve to receive dental care that reflects their individual needs. Our experienced and talented dental team is committed to working with you and your family to create a comfortable, stress-free, and rewarding dental experience every time you visit our practice. Keep reading this blog to find out more about aging and dental health!

Different Ways Age Affects Dental Health

Certain medical conditions, like arthritis, can make brushing and flossing a challenging task as you get older. Certain medications and drugs that you may be required to take can also affect your dental health, and these issues can create complications for you. Senior dental care should be a priority, and our staff at Carmichael Dentistry can happily assist you with any of your dental questions and preferences.

Heart Disease & Other Health Complications

Did you know dental health, along with aging, can impact your heart? Your heart is one of the most essential organs in your body, so it is necessary to ensure it stays healthy. Many different factors can contribute to heart disease, and your oral health is one of them. Periodontal disease, in particular, causes an increase of inflammation throughout the body, contributing to an array of conditions, including heart disease. Your gums are also full of blood vessels that connect directly into your bloodstream. If these blood vessels are damaged, bacteria can easily make their way into your bloodstream and travel to your heart, getting caught in the plaque in your arteries. This can cause heart issues and even a stroke. Maintaining proper oral hygiene and a healthy lifestyle is essential to prevent any heart or oral health complications.

How to Improve Senior Dental Care

Ensuring that you’re brushing your teeth regularly, flossing, using mouthwash, and seeing your dentist annually is integral to maintaining good oral health, especially as you age. If you have any dental questions or need to schedule an appointment to get your teeth looked at, reach out to one of our expert Carmichael Dentistry dentists, who can assist you with any of your dental questions or needs!

How Carmichael Dentistry Can Help!

Whether you believe you might need to get dental work done or are simply due for your routine check-up and have some questions about aging and your overall dental health, Carmichael Dentistry is here to keep your dental health in check! Give us a call at (858) 484-2560 or click here to schedule an appointment today!