What Is Considered a Dental Emergency?

Have you ever stopped to think about what you would do if you faced a major dental emergency? Most people don’t, which can lead to the issue becoming worse. Dental emergencies can cause a lot of pain and discomfort, which can sometimes cause people to panic or overreact. However, it’s best to remain calm and take the proper steps to address the emergency. But what is considered a dental emergency? When should you see an emergency dentist? It’s important to understand the difference between a standard dental issue that can wait until the next day and a real emergency that can threaten your health.

What is a Dental Emergency?

Knowing what a dental emergency is will help you take the proper steps to take care of the emergency as soon as possible. However, not everything in a dental situation should be considered an emergency. To determine whether what you or a loved one is experiencing is a dental emergency, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you experiencing severe pain? – Severe pain and bleeding are a sign of a dental emergency
  • Have you lost a tooth? – Immediate treatment can potentially save a tooth
  • Do you have loose teeth? – A loose tooth—even without pain—is a serious problem
  • Do you have an infection? – A serious infection or abscess in your mouth can be possibly life-threatening thus treatment should not wait
  • Are you bleeding from the mouth? – Bleeding from the mouth is a potential sign of a dental emergency

Generally, any dental issue that needs immediate treatment to alleviate severe pain, stop bleeding, or save a tooth is considered a dental emergency. This also goes for infections that can be life-threatening.

Common Dental Emergencies

We came up with a list of the most common dental emergencies along with the basic things you need to know about the problem until you can get to the dentist.

1. Unexplainable Toothache

Toothaches are not simply a painful nuisance that you should take lightly. They’re your body’s way of telling you that something is not right. When you experience a sudden, unexplained toothache, it’s important that you look for a qualified emergency dentist as soon as possible so that they can diagnose and treat it quickly.

Until you can get to the dentist, you can try the following to help alleviate the pain in the meantime:

  • Rinse your mouth with saltwater
  • Apply a cold compress
  • Take over-the-counter medication to help alleviate the pain and discomfort

2. Non-Stop Bleeding/Swollen Gums

While occasional gum bleeding and irritation is not a dental emergency, non-stop bleeding gums are another story. Especially if it’s accompanied by pain and swelling. It’s not normal to experience bleeding gums with no apparent cause. If this happens, go see an energy dentist as soon as possible.

3. Exposed Nerves

Exposed nerves are excruciatingly painful, and will only get worse if you don’t get immediate treatment. In order to prevent further nerve damage, seeking medical attention the quickest possible is the best thing you can do for yourself.

4. Knocked-Out Teeth

Having your tooth knocked out of your mouth from a heavy impact can be pretty traumatic. However, instead of panicking, the best thing you can do is take quick action. If done in a timely manner, it’s possible for your dentist to reinsert and preserve your tooth!

Until you can see your dentist, you should do the following:

  • Carefully pick up the tooth by the bottom, taking care NOT to touch the root.
  • Rinse the tooth WITHOUT scrubbing it
  • If possible, reinsert the tooth back into the socket
  • If you can’t reinsert the tooth, place it in a container with milk (if not water)
  • Get to the dentist quickly. The sooner, the better!

Whether you take a lot of care of your teeth or not, dental emergencies happen. If you’re dealing with a dental emergency, immediate treatment is the best thing you can do to resolve the issue and ensure your health. Dental Emergencies may be frightening and uncomfortable. If you or a loved one is in need, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Carmichael. When you call ahead for urgent care, we make it our effort to aid you as soon as possible, and if you are unable to stop into our office, we can offer a few tips over the phone on temporary care. Give us a call at (858) 484-2560 or click here to schedule an appointment.