Things You Should Know Before Getting Dental Implants

Things You Should Know Before Getting Dental Implants

Often, our smiles are the first thing people notice when we meet them for the first time. While what’s on the outside shouldn’t matter, there’s no questioning that our smiles can either boost our confidence or cause us to shy away in public. If your smile isn’t what you want it to be or is not as it used to be, dental implants can help give you the smiles you want. This article shares things you should know before getting dental implants.

Dental Implants Look and Work Like Natural Teeth

Dental implants are a great way to give you the smile you want and deserve. Modern dental implants have come a long way from what they used to be. They are custom-made to match your existing teeth in shape, size, color, and texture. Your dental implant specialist will ensure your dental implants fit seamlessly and securely in your mouth. When you work with an experienced dental implant specialist, you can be sure your dental implants will look and work like natural teeth.

The Procedure Won’t Be Painful

It’s no secret the dentist’s chair is the furthest place anybody wants to be. Many fear the discomfort that can be experienced at the dentist’ office. Naturally, a common question we receive about dental implants is whether or not the procedure hurts. Fortunately, thanks to local anesthesia, you won’t feel a thing during the treatment. The process for placing dental implants is relatively straightforward. And working with a skilled dentist will ensure it goes as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

You Need to Plan for It Carefully

Before getting dental implants, it’s essential to plan ahead. Meeting with your dentist for a complete dental evaluation before your treatment is critical. During that time, your dentist will address any dental concerns and create a custom treatment plan made for you. Your dentist may order some imaging or x-rays to understand your dental needs better. Additionally, your dentist may prescribe you some antibiotics to take prior and give you a list of instructions to ensure all goes well. Other things you want to plan for include taking leave from work and stocking up on soft foods and items that will help you while you heal.

Dental Implants Specialist

Dental Implants are a great way to get your desired smile and build confidence. They offer users a natural smile and allow them to gain better function without causing any pain. If you are considering getting dental implants, it is essential to work with an experienced specialist. A dental implant specialist will provide personalized care and ensure your procedure goes smoothly. In addition, they can help you understand your options and allow you to make an informed decision about which type of implant is right for you. If you have any questions or need help with any dental issues, contact Carmichael Dentistry. We’re more than happy to help! We have years of experience and are committed to providing top-of-the-line dental services you can trust.

Give us a call at (858) 484-2560, or click here to schedule an appointment.