Dental Implants FAQs
What are dental implants? There are many frequently asked questions concerning dental implants so we decided to write a blog about dental implants FAQs.
Bone Graft for Dental Implants
Some patients may wonder why they need a bone graft for their dental implants. A bone graft is required when the patient experiences bone loss in their jaw, and cannot support a dental implant.
Step-By-Step Dental Implant Process
Are you getting or considering getting dental implants? This step-by-step dental implant process will help guide you and answer any questions you may have.
Carmichael Dentistry: Your VA Approved Dentist
Dr. Carmichael, a VA approved dentist, will be more than happy to serve veterans in need of dental care. Her office is located in Rancho Penasquitos and is in the heart of North County San Diego.
What to do about extra sensitive teeth?
Have you ever taken a sip of an ice-cold drink and felt a pang of pain in your teeth? If so, you probably have sensitive teeth. So here's what to do about extra sensitive teeth!
Gingivectomy is Periodontal Surgery that Removes & Reforms Diseased Gum Tissue
Gingivectomy is periodontal surgery that removes and reforms diseased gum tissue or other gingival buildup related to serious underlying conditions.
Steps to Finding Your Dentist
You and your dentist will be long-term oral health care partners; therefore, you should find someone you can be comfortable with.
November is Diabetes awareness month
November is Diabetes awareness month. November is Diabetes awareness month, and there are more than 26 million Americans have diabetes, according to the American [...]
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Your health and everyday life are affected by sleep. You feel, look, and perform your best when you sleep well. Your [...]
Is It Really Damaging for Your Health to Neglect Your Teeth?
With no doubt neglecting your teeth can lead to things such as bad breath, gum disease, and fillings. As science evolves, it has been [...]
The Facts about fillings DENTAL AMALGAM FILLINGS Dental amalgam is a self-hardening mixture of silver-tin-copper alloy powder and liquid mercury and are [...]
PFM VS BruxZir® Zirconia
PFM VS BruxZir® Zirconia Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns (PFM) VS BruxZir® Zirconia Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns (PFM) have been the only method used throughout the years, [...]