Blog about Happy Smiles

How Dental Health Can Impact Your Heart


Did you know dental health can impact your heart? Your heart is one of the most important organs in your body. Many different factors can contribute to heart disease, and your oral health is one of them. In this blog, our staff at Carmichael Dentistry explains how dental health can impact your heart health and the steps you can take to prevent heart or mouth diseases.

How Dental Health Can Impact Your Heart2022-04-27T11:48:10-07:00

5 Ways to Prevent Gum Disease


There are many ways that you can try to prevent gum disease in your mouth. Brushing your teeth, flossing, using mouthwash, and getting annual dental checks are essential to keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Luckily though, gum disease doesn’t just happen overnight. Gum disease takes years to progress, so it is crucial to keep up on your oral hygiene.

5 Ways to Prevent Gum Disease2021-11-24T16:59:49-08:00
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